Hey people!!!
Can you believe that it’s Monday already!? I can’t.
Time really does fly right by. Growing up, I just didn’t realise how true that was.
Everyday it’s so important to capture the memories of life but even more so on holidays!
This Independence Day I finished the portrait of my friend Gioia that I shared in my last post.
I made a collage showing the finished work to share.
I also have a collage that I made to share with you all!
It shows the project that I am currently working on.
Moving on, I’m still trying out for art contests!
If you know of any that I could enter please let me know. I truly would appreciate it.
I do need a team, more supplies and what is needed to update my studio.
That all costs money.
I am thinking about creating a page to fundraise as standing up for all of the issues in my art is very important right now.
What are YOUR thoughts?
Moving on, I’m still wanting to go to NY.
I simply am not sure of when that will happen but I believe it’s worth a shot.
If I don’t make it there right away, nobody can say that I didn’t try.
Some very wise people taught me to say I’m not throwin’ away my shot.
Contests can be based on:
short stories
Digital works
Any form of art contest is one that I would be hugely interested in seeing!
Questions or comments about this post or my art?
Again, don’t be shy! Write me at: angela@angelasartarea.com
Most importantly be kind!
Dedicated to all those who stand for these issues. We Can, together!
““There are a million things I haven’t done, just you wait”- Alexander Hamilton”