

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

United We Update!

Hey people!

I have to admit that I’m bothered by what is going on today!

At the same time, I am very proud of those who do not let fear stop them.

I’m at a loss as to what I to say.

Unlike those in politics, etc. I have chosen art and that is where I am going to stay. I truly believe that is the best road for some and that I am one of those people. I do post responses at times that tend to be a bit political but I never was one to be shy about my feelings. What can I say!? It flows through me.

Still, I can’t help but acknowledge those brave, strong souls who are standing today in so many ways.

Thank you!

Most of all thank you for promoting peace and not encouraging violence.

The world has enough violence and hate.

I want to update you all on what I have been doing with my studio.

Here is a collage that I made to share.


If you have not seen what this secret garden means, I encourage you to take a look at my previous posts.


Nathalie Irene Taylor Aug 5, 1926 - May 5, 2015

I made another collage to share!

This a sketch that my grandmother made years ago.

I wanted to make this collage and share it with you all!

I hope that you like it.

Lastly, I wanted to post a picture made for memorial day.


It is an older picture I found that I had to share with you!

As many may already know, many of my relatives stood up for us in some way.

If not the Marines, the Navy, if not the Navy, the army!

This is me wearing my grandfather’s hat.

I post this not only in memory of relatives but everyone who stood for what is right in any way.

Thank you for your service!

Due to that strength, those who stand tall for all of us today can do so.

I am beyond proud and thankful for that.

Those who follow Goldie Hawn probably know of her laughing challenge!

If not check out her pages and learn more! 

I’ve seen many who have joined in and as many know laughter is the best medicine!

Thank you Goldie and all who add laughter & kindness in the world today!

It is hugely needed!

Why not let what’s going on in life give us strength and if possible (in a peaceful and kind way) join in the fight for what’s right?!

Together we make the world a better place and keep We The People alive! I am forever grateful for that.

Please have a wonderful day!



Please know that posts will be made when possible but not every Monday. Not with what is going on today. Thank you for understanding and thank you to anyone who helps with anything that may calm people today. You make the world a better place. Interviews are not gone for good and will return slowly. Thank you for your patience.