

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey everyone!

I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

I have a lot to share with you this week!

First though, here’s a digital work that I made for Thanksgiving.

If you all don’t know what Pacman is, it’s a computer game that brings back loads of memories.

We had a small computer like the one on the 1988 movie BIG with Tom Hanks. We only had a few games on it and had a game sorta like the one Tom’s character played in that movie actually!

If you do know about it, I’m sure it brings back memories for you too!

The second thing is a collage that I made for you! It shows the artworks I shared this week!

Most of them are based on theatre.

As many of you know I was in theatre for years.

I say in past tense because if I ever worked on theatre again, it would most likely be working on props, backdrops or sketches for playbills, etc.

I love to write but honestly don’t believe that I’d write a musical or play. I may be wrong there but I highly doubt it.

I love the visual arts, writing and making jewellery to much to every give them up though!

I added the line Impossible things are happening every day to this! Not only because it’s from Cinderella but because I truly believe that impossible things ARE happening every day.

That does not mean that I think anyone should sit around waiting for Prince Charming to save them. Actions DO matter and you can’t rely on everyone else.

I DO believe in positive thinking though.

The positivity in the theatre is what got me through some of the hardest times of my life.

That’s why I could relate to the character Harry Potter and probably exactly what made Hogwarts seem like home.

Hogwarts probably got that character through some of the hardest times of his life.

Although, we are talking about a book.

Moving on, I differed from the Harry Potter character because I did not comprehend reality or not completely anyway.

Reality would often either cause an aura warning me of a seizure or it would cause a seizure itself. Sometimes, it would just make me extremely emotional for unknown reasons.

You’d think this would have prevented me from memorizing musicals, small lines, etc. but it didn’t.

Doing those things came easier for some reason. I also learned how to pass out playbills, help people to their seats, take down tickets, etc.

Those in the theatre smiled and were kind no matter what may have been going on in their lives, etc. There were times when the medications I was on, came with side effects that made me look awful.

Still, they smiled and treated me normally.

The two paintings on the upper right and lower left are based on The Secret Garden Musical.

The one in the middle is based on Cinderella’s Own Little Corner.

The candle is like the heart of the ocean and in memory of anyone who we may be missing this time of year.

Lastly, I have a collage of some digital works to

support Stacey Abrams,

Raphael Warnock,

Wade Herring

and Jon Ossoff!!

They can count on me to always support them!


You can read more about them by going to their sites!

Stacey Abrams:

Raphael Warnock:

Wade Herring:

Jon Ossoff:

Contact them about any political issues and let your voices be heard because YOU MATTER!!!

Don’t ignore injustice because as the great Martin Luther King said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Fear can paralyze a community and get people to become silent about the things that matter most.

Do not let others drag fear into your heart. Do not stay silent!

As said in Stephen King’s The Stand, Make your STAND!

This world will be better if people work together to help each other before more problems occur.

Huge thanks to KVADPhoto+PRO2 and Paint 3D for providing such wonderful options!

I have to suggest them to any artist!

I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Until next time.

