Halloween collages, video and smoothie!
Hey you guys!
I have alot to share with you this week!
First things, first!
Here’s a new collage that I made for you all!
It shows the paintings that I shared this week.
Please note, this is just Halloween fun, please don’t take it too seriously!
If you haven’t been following me on instagram or facebook, you’re missing out.
I post a work each day! Just look up AngelasArtArea and BINGO!
I’d love a new follower!
Next, I must share, you guessed it, another smoothie!
This one was made with blueberries!
If I am 100% honest I never liked blueberries but
after looking up how they can help health issues, I had to give them a second try!
After trying them again, I got hooked!
I never would have done so if it were not for my learning about Kris Carr
how much she helped her health with the great things found in food.
I also would have never guessed that I would have gotten into smoothies. I simply wasn’t the type!
Smoothies, Meditation, etc. have done wonders for me though!
I can NEVER say enough about Kris Carr’s books. I highly recommend them!
Halloween Video showing how you can turn your diffuser into a Halloween decoration!
Digital art, etc. created by: Angela Taylor
Digital creations by: The wonderful artists at Paint 3D!