

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste


Hey you guys!

I have a few things to share with you this week!

First, I wanted to talk about the connections I see in past events, etc.

Today I talk about a connection between the lives of Akhenaten, Rasputin, Vincent Vangogh, and Johnny Cash.

What did they all have in common? Listen to my speaking about my thoughts on the matter here

I do not note all of the names of the females Society tends to judge.

In some cases they’ll judge both in good ways and bad.

In most cases people jump at assuming society is always right, yet in reality society is often wrong.

History has shown just how wrong society can be. It’s very interesting to me that some never seem to learn that.

Society does not see everything that goes on in the lives of those who are in the public eye for example. Unless they allow a camera to go around with them 24/7 that is.

There is a huge chance that the public only sees what some want the public to see. Yet, people judge them based on what they see and hear.

How is that right!?

I bet that is what people during the Pharaoh’s time also thought.

It was simply to help put Akhenaten in power, etc. If his people believed that he was all knowing, etc. it would look better for him. Although, once they found out that he was simply a man, they would be outraged.

Moving on, I do not think any of these people I speak of were anything more than people.

I think people have a good side and a bad side. Including myself of course and some need to title what I believe now is the unknown.

Many feel the need to title it God, etc. as I once did and it did help me through some of the hardest times of my life as well. That fact means no less simply because I do not give it a man-made title though.

I nor my family ever had the money that Johnny Cash, etc. did but I did suffer as Johnny Cash did due to drugs.

Only in my case it was medications given to me in order to try and control my Epilepsy. In his case it was medication given to him to try and control the stress he was under, he just became addicted to them.

At the same time I suppose one could say I was suffering from my seizures as well. Although that would be absolutely correct the fact is society judges either way.

It truly does not matter to many if someone is in a life threatening situation to start with.

Personally, I never did like medication and felt as if I was poisoning myself. I had to talk myself into taking it because most came with TERRIBLE side-effects.

One of my brothers loved all drugs though. Due to my experience with it, I never fully understood that. I can sadly relate to both sides in a way. The fact that I would have most likely died without my medication meant nothing to someone who is addicted to drugs.

As it would mean nothing today to drug addicts. When they want drugs, they become VERY selfish and can think of nothing else. It’s EXTREMELY SAD!

Those who I grew up with in theatre did not all become big. If some did, it was and is the goal of many to hide that from me. Money or no, those who grew up around me saw first hand what my seizures can do to me. Many may not even know that my seizures are basically under control today. Still, they know the risk I take in simply expressing my emotions.

I still and probably never will understand that fact because I truly believe that I have just as much of a right to express my emotions as anyone but such is life.

What will be, will be and what won’t, won’t.

My Mother did not believe that you should make money from a gift that the unknown has given you.

Why then did she ever start me having exhibitions, etc. ya got me. I have absolutely no clue there!

Maybe it was simply to trick the public into thinking she supported my having the ability to take care of myself.

She always helped me with my having Epilepsy. I have wondered if maybe she thought it wrong that my family couldn’t financially support me. Maybe she was ashamed of it and didn’t want to admit it. Afterall, she was raised to believe that family helps family, etc.

Then again, maybe it was to impress my father by making me happy. Who knows!

Even if money can actually keep people off the streets, pay for food, etc.

Money is not everything! Those with it and those without it probably know that very well.

All in all, it’s up to each person if they follow the good or bad side of them in life, which I believe is part of the beauty of life itself.

Moving on, I talk a bit about Rasputin in my recording today! I’m unsure if I say it correctly but that was the way I was raised to say it.

Want to learn more about him?

Well listen to #36 of Unruly Figures to find out more about his life.

I made this thank you for talking about Rasputins life, along with others, etc. all found by listening to Unruly Figures on substack!

I learn alot from listening to it and highly suggest it. I also wanted to share my substack page. You can find it at

Lastly, I wanted to show you a collage that I made years ago.

I talk a bit about it in my recording today.

It shows an old camera that I kept. I LOVE small things and as you see here this is REALLY small!

I also love cameras and this is a camera.

Not to mention that it was my mothers.

Here it is!!!

I hope that you all have a great week!

Until next time.

