

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

A video, Egypt talk and family!

Hey you guys!

I wanted to share a video that I created with you all.

The lighting is not great so I apologise ahead of time for it.

My face is also acting up, which is the result of years from having suffered through harsh side-effects to man-made drugs.

This is a talk about a discovery in Egypt, as well as talking about Akhenaten and Epilepsy.

As noted in this video, I am not a historian and not a doctor.

I know alot about Epilepsy because I’ve suffered with it for years and learned how to deal the best way possible.

Please note that many medical things were taught to me by a number of medical professionals, etc.. That knowledge did not just magically appear.

I DO NOT have magical powers and I can NOT heal you.

Please note that my having Epilepsy or any of the hard situations I have faced in my life does not mean that you should say you’re sorry for my lifes sorrows, etc.

Everyone has sorrows in life. Why should my sorrows mean more?

They don’t mean more because ALL life is a blessing!

I don’t sit down dwelling in sorrow because I don’t take that blessing lightly. You can either help people see that blessing or be kind enough to leave me alone.

There’s pity and there’s kindness. Kindness is great, wanted and appreciated. Pity only drags people down. Pity is not needed and belittling.

Thank you to any artists, etc. who do NOT post pity info. but share about holding on and remind people that they can too. I truly appreciate that!

I do NOT deal with my Epilepsy alone but listen to PROFESSIONAL NEUROLOGISTS who can help keep me alive.

I would highly suggest seeking a professional Neurologists care if you are in need of that help because some cases of Epilepsy simply can’t be handled with natural plants, etc. alone.

In some cases, it is lifethreatening to listen to anyone who may think otherwise.

I know about some history because I’ve studied ancestry and happen to be related to many historical figures.

I am simply lucky due to my relation to some public figures because it’s easier to find information on those who are publicly noted. That does not mean that I am in contact with them or that I can help you get in touch with them.

I know that everyone is not related to so many well known figures, etc. I do not speak of them to brag but for the same reason anyone speaks of a find on ancestry.

My reasons would be family pride and love of family.

I wish it were easy for everyone to learn all of the information connected to them because I truly believe that everyone matters.

Here is the video I speak of.

Artwork, video created by: Angela Taylor

Last, but not least I wanted to share my substack page with you.

I share a bit about my studio in it and share a rather personal story which is noted in the video on my substack page.

Please hop on over there to visit it and let me know what you think.

It is not available elsewhere.

I hope that the personal story I share will help others.

Please stop on by and leave me a comment. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

It’s at

That’s it for this week folks.

Until next time.

