

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

Happy Easter and thank you!

Hey you all.

I hope that you had a wonderful Easter!!!

If You’re following me on Instagram, I got a bit carried away.

I feel very passionately about some things.

There are so many who feel differently and many ways that help people through life.

To me that is not a bad thing. Helping others is a wonderful thing.

The way that help comes is not really important to me because I truly believe that ALL life matters.

I respect all beliefs as long as they do not harm others.

In all honesty though, I think some are absolutely beautiful.

I tend to think that if I were borne years ago, I’d be one of those who worship all the time.

If meditation is worshiping that’s what I do everyday.

Maybe I was borne in the wrong time. Shrugs

Anyway, I have a few things to share with you today.

The first shows what I am working on to quiet my ACEOs.

I have a couple other things to share for Easter!!!

I will not be sharing my jewellery this week.

Although, I share it on my other pages.

I’m torn between making a new page for jewellery or adding to the one I have for art.

The first thing I have to share is my ceramic dog Toto.

I got bunny ears to put on her!

I’ve been following Crafty Lumberjacks who I found from my friend Mark Montano!

I was super glad to see they had ears just like mine! :)

Only they got their’s a few years ahead of me. :) It was really cool!

If you haven’t gone to check out their pages I highly suggest that you do.

They are very talented and come up with some great ideas that are very helpful!

To see their work just go to

Toto is in memory of Judy Garland and inspired by the musical The Wizard of Oz!

Toto is not for sale!

My jewellery is though, so please feel free to contact me if you wish to know more about it.

Please note that I am working to put it on my site for you.

The last photo I have is a collage taken of me.

I love being on-stage but haven’t in years.

I don’t like up close and personal pictures.

It sounds odd because I felt so comfortable on-stage.

My father was like that when in theatre as well.

He was worse than I am though and wouldn’t want to stay for the afterparties, etc.

I loved them!

He didn’t want to leave me though so I would go with him.

I’m trying to learn to be ok with pictures, people seem to love selfies.

In these photos I hide one of my eyes because it looks awful!

I mention it because things are not always only what the public sees.

People choose what the public sees.

Often times, you have to actually talk to people or go inside to find things out.

Otherwise you are just guessing at what you don’t fully comprehend.

Driving by and ignoring when someone may really be in need of help can often do more harm than good.

On that note, I’d also like to send a huge thank you to Kim Faxon who donated to my birthday cause to help Ukraine!!!

That means a lot to me!

Have a wonderful week!!

Until next time.

