

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

Weird Al and Collages!

Hey everyone.

Halloween is over can you believe it?

Time is just flying right by!

Speaking of time flying by, I wanted to talk a bit about a movie based on Weird Al Yankovics life.

If you grew up in America, you most likely know who Weird Al is.

The wigs, etc. in it were not wonderful but due to the fact that everyone loves Weird Al, wigs, etc. are very small things. In my opinion, They actually add to the point of comedy.

If you watched Saturday Night Live, for example, they didn’t have perfect wigs, etc. That fact usually made skits funnier!

Plus, the storyline and the concept of it are wonderful. They make the film absolutely beautiful.

A lot of laughter of course comes along with anything related to Weird Al Yankovic but what amazed me was the beauty of the storyline.

I did not expect that from Weird Al but loved it.

What matters when it comes to a story is if it touches you and this one certainly did just that. Although, if I’m honest many of his videos in the past touched me as well. They just also added a bit of humour to them making hard situations easier to handle.

I first saw one of his videos when I was around 6yrs.

I think that I may have been a bit younger but remember how excited we were because we watched it in the basement with no adults.

We were of course visiting my cousins because our tv only had 5 channels.

That’s right kids! Only 5 channels.

Going to my cousins was a huge treat but I’ll write more about that in my book.

It was before we moved here to Georgia so I highly doubt some even know how poor we were. Again, I’ll write about that in my book. If it ever gets finished that is. Memoirs take forever!

The adults wouldn’t have approved of us watching Weird Al or Michael Jackson’s Thriller at that time or not all of them anyway.

We watched both anyway and we LOVED them!

There are many other well-knowns in The Weird Al Yankovic Story but I am not about to give away who they are.

Go watch it and find out! If you’re a fan of Comedy, don’t turn your back Jack! You don’t want to miss it!

To a Weird Al fan, it’s a must-see!

Moving on! I have a lot to share with you this week.

First is a collage that I made just for you showing the jewellery I made!

I couldn’t help but use Sugar Skulls because I love them so much.

I also have a new smoothie to share!!!

I have to admit that I used a lot of Peanut Butter in this one.

Ever have some coffee left over in the mornings that is easy to put down the drain?

Why not use it instead?

Put it in an extra jar!

Add it to a smoothie either that day or the next.


  • 1 frozen banana

  • 3 TSP Peanut Butter or whatever amount you wish.

  • 1 tbsp minced ginger

  • 2C coffee

  • 1 tbsp Chia seeds

  • 1 tbsp flax seeds

  • Fill the rest with Almond milk or whichever type of milk you choose!

    Lastly, I have a collage of some digital works to

    support Stacey Abrams,

    Raphael Warnock,

    Wade Herring

    and Jon Ossoff!!!

You can read more about them by going to their sites!

Stacey Abrams:

Raphael Warnock:

Wade Herring:

Jon Ossoff:

Contact them about any political issues and let your voices be heard because YOU MATTER!!!

Don’t ignore injustice because as the great Martin Luther King said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Fear can paralyze a community and get people to become silent about the things that matter most.

Do not let others drag fear into your heart. Do not stay silent!

As said in Stephen King’s The Stand, Make your STAND!

This world will be better if people work together to help each other before more problems occur.

Huge thanks to KVADPhoto+PRO2 and Paint 3D for providing such wonderful options!

I have to suggest them to any artist!

Until next time!/Jusqu’à la prochaine fois!

