Hey everyone!
I hope that you’re having a wonderful Monday and have a great week.
I know things have been rather hard right now.
I certainly wish that I could do more but as always art is helping.
I am working on her!
Keep your eyes open to see more.
The first thing that I have to show today is my ceramic dog.
I’m repainting it
I cleaned my studio before I started!
A clean studio did not last long, let me tell you!!!
I figure it’s just proof that I”m working though. :)
Anyway, I got the idea for her name from a musical.
What can I say? I’ve always loved musicals!
I have more to share on her but will do so over time.
Keep your eyes on my social media to see!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day!
I mention Valentines Day again because I truly believe that what the world needs now more than ever is LOVE!
The next thing I have to share is a collage that I made of a work I created years ago. :)
It shows hearts! I should have made the hearts different colours though because I really think that we’re all beautiful nomatter what colour, shape, etc. we are.
The original work was made years ago for a recycling show I had at Chatham County Recycles.
Like Martin Luther King said Hate cannot drive out hate;only love can do that!
I post this for the love of all and hope that we will all protect one anothers right to live happy and free lives!
We should stand and help one another in all situations because
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt~
May our eyes not be clouded over due to what is going on today. May we remember the love each of us has inside and see that we are each human beings. May we stand side by side, strong, happy and free. In doing so create a circle of love and understanding that never ends. :)